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Luigi’s Box Cookies List

In the Slovak Republic, on February 1, 2022, a new Act no. 452/2021 Coll. on electronic communications will entered into force. Also, on January 1, 2022, the amendment to Czech Act no. 127/2005 Coll. on electronic communications entered into force. These laws change the legislative framework and regulate the protection of end devices users when using cookies technology.

To make it easier for the clients, who use Luigi’s Box Analytics, Luigi’s Box Search, and Luigi’s Box Recommender to understand the cookies set by our (Luigi’s Box’s) scripts, we have prepared a comprehensive table where you can find information about the exact name of cookies used, their type and method of use.

Cookie _lb
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Stores visitor identification. Used when cookie consent has not been granted.
Cookie lbx_ac_easystorage
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Stores short-term interaction data with autocomplete widget, used to adapt the visitor’s experience.
Cookie luigis.env.v2.*
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Stores short-term data for operation of the attribution models.
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Registers the server instance which is serving the visitor. Use for load balancing purposes.
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Registers the server instance which is serving the visitor. Use for load balancing purposes.
Cookie _lb_ccc
Type Technical
Lifetime 13 months
Usage Stores cookie consent state in the context of Luigi’s Box scripts and is used to revoke the consent.
Cookie luigisbox_enabled
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage A flag specifying whether Luigi’s Box services are active for this session.
Cookie _lbsa
Type Technical
Lifetime 3 months
Usage Stores variant affinity when there’s an active AB test running.
Cookie _lbab
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Stores variant affinity when there’s an active AB test running.
Cookie lb-options
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Stores configuration of search in order to speed up initialization between page views
Cookie lb-search-scroll-position
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Remembers last scroll position in order to restore it when using browser's back button
Cookie lb-search-first-request-time
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Used to force CORS preflight request when necessary
Cookie lb-state
Type Technical
Lifetime Session
Usage Keeps runtime state of search in order to speed up rendering between page views
Cookie _lb_id
Type Preferences
Lifetime 13 months
Usage Stores visitor identification for personalization. Used when cookie consent has been granted.

For the list of cookies in other languages, please switch the language of the website.