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E-commerce Personalization Software

Improve Conversions & Sales with Luigi's Box

Recommend relevant products, optimize product discovery, boost user experience, reduce bounce rate, and ultimately improve your online store's conversion rate with a high level of personalization.

An e-commerce personalization tool captures potential customers' behavior in real-time across multiple channels and allows online stores to tailor marketing messages to make them more relevant to a specific target audience.

What is e-commerce personalization software?

E-commerce personalization software enables online retailers to show relevant content, product recommendations, or advertisements to customers visiting their websites. It utilizes vast quantities of search activity and other online behavior information to segment users and determine what content to show them.

The objective is to boost website engagement and, eventually, conversions.

Why is personalization important in e-commerce?

Each customer has individual preferences and is seeking different products. Based on their previous purchases, behavior, and shopping patterns, personalization tools can identify what to show each customer, even already in the search bar. Without tools made especially for this, you would be unable to ensure accurate personalization.

Let’s look at a few benefits of personalization:

Better customer loyalty

E-commerce personalization improves customer engagement and yields more loyal customers. 45% of customers are more likely to purchase on an e-commerce website that offers personalization. That's because 59% of people who shop online think it's easier to find more exciting products in personalized online stores.

Improved sales and conversions

Your customer doesn't want to be greeted by the same experience as everybody else. An e-commerce personalization tool can boost conversions by showing consumers exactly what they're seeking to buy. By displaying personalized content, you can encourage customers' purchase intent and increase sales.

Enhanced customer experience

E-commerce personalization helps you better cater to consumer needs. By understanding customer preferences, you can direct them exactly where they want to go on their first visit. Showcasing the products they'll want to see and offering relevant promotions helps you deliver a personalized shopping experience.

Competitive Advantage

56% of customers are more likely to return to a website that delivers personalized experiences. The personalization engine empowers your business to differentiate itself from others. By offering a more personalized online shopping experience, you can encourage customers to stay with you.

Types of e-commerce personalization software

Site search

Site search

A modern site search tool allows your customers to freely explore your content through a search that tolerates and manages their typos, synonyms, and grammatical errors. It improves the customer journey with personalization and voice search, gives your customers powerful filtering mechanisms, and shows them the right category, brand, or product from the first keystroke.

Product recommendations

Product recommendations

A product recommendation engine shows personalized recommendations or helpful complementary items related to a product already added to a shopping cart. You can also show alternative products relevant to the experience of your customer base and help customers discover new products and additional items. Allowing your customers to navigate your inventory naturally can boost your average order value and revenue.

Product listing

Product listing

A product listing tool helps e-commerce platforms organize products into comprehensive lists based on a category or search query for different sales channels. It allows your customers to find the product they need quickly. In addition, a product listing page directs potential customers to product detail pages and, thus, closer to purchase.

Lead generation

Lead generation

A lead generation tool is an essential part of your e-commerce personalization strategy. It offers advanced targeting features that help you create personalized marketing and e-mail campaigns for specific customer segments, compelling even your first-time visitors to buy. You can automatically generate more leads and route them to the proper team.

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing

An e-mail marketing tool allows you to create, send, and track e-mails to your list of subscribers. You can see key metrics such as open rates and click-through rates. You can also automate e-mail sending based on user behavior, increasing engagement likelihood since personalized e-mails are tailored to user interests.

Form builder

Form builder

A form builder offers powerful personalization features that e-commerce stores can use to generate better leads and boost sales. For example, you can create surveys and polls to learn more about your potential customers. You can also collect and store geolocation data and form submissions to better segment your e-mail list.

Site tracking

Site tracking

A site tracking tool often comes with behavior analysis features such as heatmaps and session recordings that show you what visitors do on your e-commerce site. This helps you understand your users' behavior, so you can improve their online experience, boost your conversion rates, fix bugs on your site, and more.



An analytics tool gives you insights into what your customers are searching for, what they struggle to find, and how you can improve their overall search experience. You can see where your search performance is tied, what needs to be fixed, and where it performs the most through an interactive dashboard.

Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation

A customer segmentation tool allows you to automate the entire segmentation process by pulling customer data from multiple channels and analyzing it depending on what's relevant to your business. It helps you target your users in more personalized and meaningful ways, making it easier for you to convert them into paying customers.

Customer service

Customer service

An intelligent customer services tool like live chat and chatbot allows you to offer personalized service by interacting with customers in real-time, i.e., when they are thinking about buying. Leveraging AI helps you solve customer problems proactively, develop a solid customer relationship, and generate more online conversions and sales.

Personalize your e-shop with Luigi's Box!

Luigi's Box Recommender

Our Recommender is a powerful personalization tool that offers personalized product recommendations, helping you increase your average order value. It shows product suggestions based on customer preferences, past user behavior, and purchase history.

Luigi's Box Product Listing

Our Product Listing tool organizes products in a list based on user behavior, sales statistics, business rules, and personalization. You can also sort products by popularity determined by clicks, add-to-cart, purchase events, or other data sources.

Luigi's Box Search

Our AI-powered smart site search personalization platform helps visitors quickly find the products they are looking for, considerably reducing wasteful shopping time. It can cope with any search query.

Luigi's Box Analytics

Our comprehensive analytics identifies issues with search queries and helps find out how to optimize them.

How to implement our personalization tools

Integrating Luigi’s Box on your e-commerce site is pretty easy. First, you need to decide whether to manage the integration by yourself or let our experts handle it.

The only thing required from your side is to insert a script into your website header. Then we will sync your products and implement our discovery tools, completely matching your website design.

Here's how we help our clients


autocomplete conversions

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assisted conversions

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search conversion rate

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search conversion rate

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+ 15%

increase revenue

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search conversion rate

Read Case Study

average conversion rate

Read Case Study

search conversion rate

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See Luigi’s Box in action

Book a free demo call with one of our experts to see how Luigi’s Box can help you boost your e-commerce business, increase customer lifetime, and enhance their online experience.

Frequently asked questions

How do e-commerce personalization software platforms work?

E-commerce personalization tools use advanced algorithms based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to track real-time user behavior on your site, offering a unique experience to every visitor.

You can personalize everything to match the requirements of individual users, including semantic search, relevant product recommendations, marketing strategies, ad retargeting, push notifications, and even dynamic content personalization.

Why is e-commerce personalization so important?

E-commerce personalization efforts make your customers more loyal and improve customer satisfaction. You strengthen their shopping journey by showing them that you consistently know what’s expected and how to deliver their desired experiences.

In return, your customers are more likely to show their loyalty and continue shopping with you, unlike the competition. As a result, you reduce shopping cart abandonment, improve conversions, and generate more sales.

How to choose the right e-commerce personalization solution?

A good personalization tool should capture real-time user behavior happening on several channels such as web, mobile, and e-mail. An e-commerce personalization tool should analyze and address user needs in real time and help them quickly and efficiently find their desired products.

In addition, it should offer intelligent search functionality and personalized product recommendations to help you surpass your competitors’ stale search functionality. Moreover, your e-commerce personalization software should be customizable for your specific business needs.

What is the cost of e-commerce personalization software?

Some simple e-commerce personalization tools cost as low as $10 per month, but several advanced features can be missing. Comprehensive e-commerce personalization tools typically cost more.

Providers that offer such tools usually don’t share pricing info on their site, but you can request a customized quote.